The Range Rover Evoque is a car inspired by the city for the city. Its launch was a pivotal moment for the brand. By putting key tastemakers at the heart of the campaign, we created a platform that captured the pulse of 17 cities around the world, connecting the band to a new younger urban and tech-savvy audience. This led to the car selling out before it even launched and generated £45 million worth of earned media coverage.
For the launch film we visited different cities around the world and went to people’s homes, hangouts and streets to create a portrait of the ‘City Shapers’ within them. This became part of the drive to join the ‘Pulse of the City Project’ by downloading the app and sharing their journey.
At the centre of the campaign was a digital platform enabling people to discover the Evoque through ‘City Shapers’ from around the world. Short films told the stories of our tastemakers and the cities they called home. The platform also became a geo-tracking app that enabled people to get involved with live events and share their journeys in cities around the world. This was launched as a music video from OK-GO, who turned the city into their canvas, dancing their route through the streets of LA.
Collaborating with artists, fashion designers, musicians and cultural ‘City Shapers’ from around the world, we got under the skin of what inspired their city. We made wireframe street art; produced music videos; launched fashion collections; hosted technology fairs; made interactive films in Hollywood and created a comic book inspired miniseries with talent as diverse as Surface to Air and Victoria Beckham.
Directed by Bob Harlow
Production: Somesuch
Agency // Brooklyn Brothers
Creative Team // Nick & Paloma
ECD // Ali Alvarez
Scope // Launch social content film